Browse this page for information on the most recent version of WBNM, and the changes to the software over time.
Update 2 –Release of WBNM2017 (V001) – May 2018
Software updated, generally, as follows:
Tags for the event UID added generally to the output to facilitate searching for the results of a particular event in what can be very large output files.
Warning notes added in the QA file output that when reading DES16 BOMIFD data, that the location of the IFD data can be up to a kilometer away from the specified gauge site, which may have consequences in high rainfall gradient areas.
Warning notes added to the base of the crit-dura table for a DES16 design flood estimate, that the time to peak and volume of the ‘associated’ hydrograph are those relevant to peak flow estimation and should not be used without review if the design focus is timing or volume related.
Various Python-based utilities that:
- Plot subareal hyetographs and all hydrographs for storms/events listed in a csv control file. This control file can be created manually or developed/edited from the DES16 csv event control file produced by wbnm for a DES16 spectrum.
- Plot the listed events outlet hydrographs for each ensemble storm pattern for each DES16 event in the control csv file.
- Plot box plots of peak discharge for each pattern for each duration in a DES16 spectrum run. The red solid box is the average discharge for each duration, the red line is the median discharge, the box extends from the upper quartile to the lower quartile of discharge results and the whiskers extend out to the full range of discharge data for that duration.
For various other changes, see the version_control file in the download of the software.
Update 1 – First Release of WBNM2017 (V000_Beta) – October 2017
In summary WBNM2017 is an upgraded extension of WBNM2012, recoded to meet the Fortran 2003/2008 standard with added functionality to support simulation of design storms in accordance with the provisions of Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2016 (AR&R 2016). This extended code supports ensemble storm analysis in accord with the requirements of AR&R 2016 for design flood estimation. It also supports the use of downloaded BOM and AR&R hub data for IFD, temporal patterns, areal reduction factors and losses, recognising the impact of pre-burst rainfall on initial losses. The functionality required to support design storms to AR&R 1987 has been retained to facilitate comparisons in design discharges.
About the model
Easy to use hydrologic modelling software
Model History
Behind the scenes product development
Find out about the development of WBNM since the first version in 1973.